Mapping the Moon with Wall-E

Fist graders are currently studying the moon. To extend their knowledge Ms. Smith scheduled a virtual field trip to the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland. Our first stop was to meet Erin and WAll-E at the Fight Center. Next, we learned about astronauts, satellites, space shuttles, why our Earth is so important, and much more.

Currently, the Goddard Space Flight Center has 60 satellite missions taking place in space. Students learned that we mainly use technology in the form of satellites to explore space more often than we use astronauts. Erin assured students that in 2030 they’re sending a special group of people to Mars. They learned if they study hard they can become astronauts and travel to Mars.

It takes 2 years to travel to Mars and back. Students learned that one purpose of the satellite missions is to look for water. Students were  asked, “How do we use water everyday here on Planet Earth?” Responses included: watering plants, to stay clean, swimming, creeks, and most importantly to stay healthy. In order for astronauts to travel to Mars they will need a water source. Using the data collected from satellites scientist will discover where and if water exists before they take on this endeavor.

How do we use water everyday on our planet Earth?

How do we use water everyday on our planet Earth?

What do you think of when you hear the word NASA?

What do you think of when you hear the word NASA?

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